Taking a solo trip anywhere can be at first scary, but it is a great way to connect with yourself and give yourself needed down time. A solo trip to Disney is just as magical as when you are sharing it with friends and family (Maybe a little more magical). Disney is a place for families and groups of all sizes, but it is one of the most wonderful places to take a solo trip! From the judge free treats you can consume, to the custom trip of a lifetime and more there are a ton of reasons why a solo trip to Disney is the way to go! So let this be your sign to start planning an amazing solo trip to Disney.

Getting Around Is A breeze!
Imagine…no stroller pushing, never having to make sure your whole crew is with you while you navigate the crowds, no un-needed bathroom breaks that slow you down…just YOU! You can go as slow or fast as you want. When solo, you have one person to worry about and that is yourself. If you are feeling a morning stroll, you can grab your favorite coffee and breakfast sweet and take on the morning. Or if you are wanting to ride every attraction possible running around solo will be way quicker. Enjoy the solo hustle and bustle, it sure makes it a breeze!

You Can Do Whatever YOU Want
Picture…never having to be dragged on to an attraction that makes you dizzy, or trying to convince someone of your favorite ride. None of that, because you can do exactly what you want to do and ONLY what you want to do! Do you want to ride the tea cups 20 times in a row? Go for it! Do you want to skip Haunted Mansion because it is just too scary for you, then don’t go! You are the only one to consider on this trip so live it up! There is also no one to judge you on your 2nd Dole Whip or 3rd snack of the day. Solo trips are there for your to indulge in whatever you want, free from anyone even knowing let alone judging!

The Connections You Will Make
Going solo at Disney you may think you will be lonely at times, but quite the opposite. Since you won’t be focusing on a party you came with, you get to meet everyone! While waiting in lines you will meet new people, you’ll get to openly talk with friendly cast members, and you’ll have the time to stop for conversations and learn new things! Don’t worry about riding by yourself, once you start chatting it up you will find uneven group numbers and get to tag along for an attraction. At Disney, there are people from all over the world and you will be able to meet so many interesting people.

Connecting With Yourself
Any solo trip will allow yourself to unwind and connect with yourself which is something we all need time to time. Disney is a great spot for this because as much as there is to see and do, there is a lot of relaxation to be had at Disney as well. You can explore the several spa selections at different resorts, or you can relax by the amazing pools. There are also gorgeous scenic and peaceful spots at Disney where it is truly magical to just sit with your thoughts and just be. So during your solo trip, be sure to get a massage or enjoy some quite time taking in the moment.

So, it’s time to book yourself a solo trip to Disney! Between indulging yourself in a free judgement zone, to getting some needed you time, making new connections while going at your own pace, a solo Disney trip is the way to go! Enjoy everything Disney has to offer on your own personal time and preference, and enjoy an amazing trip away from it all!