My husband and I love going to Walt Disney World, but sometimes our trips can be challenging for our bodies. My husband and I both suffer from chronic pain conditions. He lives with Psoriatic Arthritis and I have Fibromyalgia. We have learned a few things throughout the years during our Disney vacations, and we have some great tips on how to do Disney with chronic pain.

Go Slow And Know Your Limits
This first tip might seem obvious, but it is very important to not bite off more than you can chew while at the Disney parks. Walt Disney World is massive. You won’t just be walking throughout the parks; you’ll also be walking from your hotel room to the bus stop, from the bus stop to the park entrance, and then of course you have the remainder of the park to explore after that. It could be a good idea for you to allocate some time to sit and rest once you finally get inside the park. Grab a coffee and a shaded bench and people watch for a bit to prepare your body for the rest of the day.

Be sure to pace yourself throughout the day so that you don’t exhaust yourself too soon. Ride lots of rides and sit down for lots of shows. Walk slowly, and take your time getting from point A to point B. You might even find it more enjoyable this way. Who knows what you might see along the way if you take your time!
Take Midday Breaks At Your Resort
One benefit to staying on Disney property is the ability to quickly get back to your hotel room for a midday break. My husband and I have always done this because not only does the walking become hard on your body, but the heat can also make things much worse. Midday breaks are a great way to escape the heat of the day and retreat back to your hotel room for a while. You can take a nap, go for a swim, or even just lay in bed and watch tv.

Schedule A Rest Day
It is always a good idea to schedule a rest day at some point during your Disney vacation. My husband and I typically schedule this during the halfway point of the trip. This day can be spent relaxing at the resort and enjoying all of the amenities, riding the monorail and exploring those resorts, or shopping at Disney Springs. Rest days are a great tool to let your body recover before tackling the rest of the week.

Hydrate And Take Advantage Of First Aid Center
Being dehydrated can make chronic pain conditions so much worse, and it is easier to become dehydrated while you are out walking around in the Florida sun all day. Be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day. You can pack your own, or you can stop at any quick-service dining location and grab a cup of water for free. There is also water for sale throughout every Disney park.

Each Disney park has a First Aid Center that is fully staffed by medical professionals and available for all guests to use. My husband has received a dose of ibuprofen from a Disney First Aid Center before, so this can be an incredibly convenient and helpful tool for your Disney vacation.
Utilize A Mobility Aid If You Must
Lastly, don’t be afraid to use a mobility aid if it means your time at the parks will be more pleasant. Disney Parks are very wheelchair friendly, and all busses, monorails, and other modes of transportation are able to accommodate wheelchairs as well. My husband had a very bad flare-up during one of our trips and we decided to rent a wheelchair using a third-party rental service. The concierge at the front desk of our resort was able to give us information for it. You can also rent a wheelchair while inside any of the Disney Parks, just be aware that these wheelchairs cannot be removed from the park.
I hope these tips are helpful for you and your family members living with chronic pain conditions! Do you have any additional tips to add? Leave a comment and let us know!
Featured Photo: Megan Woodard