Disney has recently released their newest deal, offering discounted Walt Disney World tickets for Florida residents! These discounted ticket deals are always a great way for residents to visit the parks, for a heavily discounted price, and this newest offer may be one of the bet savings available to date.
Florida residents will be able to purchase a four day, single park per day ticket for $228.98, including tax! When broken down into the per day cost, residents will be paying $57.25 per day. These are major savings, especially when the non resident price is $460 for the same type of ticket.
Those purchasing tickets will also have the option of purchasing a Park Hopper or Park Hopper Plus with an increase in the discounted pricing, as well as add-ones such as Water Parks and Sports. Florida residents will also be able to purchase two or three day tickets as well.
Florida resident tickets are valid through September 17, 2021 on any days that are available. All guests including Florida residents will need to have a park pass reservation to be able to enter the park to guarantee capacity limits are not reached.
These resident tickets are always welcome, especially those who are newer residents who were not able to purchase Annual Passes yet. There has been some speculation on when new Annual Passes will be for sale again, but no official news has been released from Disney yet. In the meantime, Florida residents will continue to get discounted tickets to enjoy the parks.
Are you a Florida resident? Will you be taking advantage of these discounted tickets for the summer? Let us know in the comments below!