There’s a fun, new activity happening at select Disney resorts during Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary Celebration! Yes, even the resorts are celebrating! Guests can pick up a Magic Kingdom Attractions Scavenger Hunt guide sheet then spend some time exploring the resort to locate 8 icons (plaques), all themed around opening day attractions.
A Nod To The Past
On the front of the guide sheet, you’ll read about the opening of the Walt Disney World Resort as well as learn about the different ticket types that were once used to be able to ride attractions.

The guide is designed as a throwback to the Magic Kingdom’s vintage ticket books, which defined the level of attraction on a letter scale from “A” to “E” with the mildest rides requiring an “A” ticket and the best rides requiring an “E” ticket. These original ticket books were sold at the Magic Kingdom in the 1970s. Even though the ride tickets are not in use anymore, you can often hear the phrase “E ticket attraction” still being used to describe a thrilling ride.
Flip over to the back side of your guide and you’ll find 8 clues corresponding to Magic Kingdom opening day attractions. Now the hunt can begin!
On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!
Search your resort grounds for the 8 icons with the name of a Magic Kingdom attraction listed. They will be spread out so get your walking shoes on! After you’ve found an icon, read through your clues and match the attraction to the clue. When you’ve figured out which clue belongs to the attraction listed on the icon, you’ll write down the ticket letter (“A” through “E”) displayed on the plaque next to the matching clue.

Once you have solved all the clues and gathered all the letters, you’ll then use those letters to complete a word phrase at the bottom of the guide. While you may be able to look at the word phrase and solve it instantly, the joy of this game is found in the journey. You may even learn something new about the history of Walt Disney World! There isn’t a prize for completing the scavenger hunt, it’s just something fun to do at your resort.
Celebrate Walt Disney World Resort’s Magical Milestone
Guests are encouraged to share their findings on social media using #DisneyWorld50 once you’ve completed your puzzle. We hope you’ll join in the fun and celebrate the 50th Anniversary at your resort! There’s no official word on how long the scavenger hunt will be going on, but it will most likely be available over the next 18 months of the anniversary celebration.