Whether you are a Star Wars fan or not, going to Disney’s Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge at Walt Disney World is a must. Visiting Batuu is definitely an out-of-this world experience. It is not only about seeing the legendary Millennium Falcon or bumping into your favorite Star Wars characters, but also having the opportunity to interact and communicate in Batuuese with the cast members who remain in character while in the land as if you were in a real galaxy far, far away. When you are ready to make your journey far into the Outer Rim to trade or get some Star Wars souvenirs at the Black Spire Outpost, take notes of the following phrases that will make your visit at Batuu a memorable experience as you become a true Batuuan.
Batuuese Phrases
Bright Suns (There are three stars in the Batuu System) and Rising Moons (Batuu is orbited by two moons)
If you are an early bird and you land on Batuu in the morning, you’re likely to hear “Bright Suns!” all over the land. If you visit Batuu in the night time, it is “Rising Moons!” what you’ll hear instead. Answer back with the same phrases which basically mean “hello”
Ignite the spark
You’ve got to use this phrase wisely for you cannot use it everywhere. If you find yourself moving around the Resistance side you may greet locals with the phrase “Ignite the spark!” as you would greet others off planet with a “hello!” but MIND YOU, make sure you do not use this phrase when you encounter the stormtroopers patrolling Black Spire Outpost. If you do, you will be questioned and you’ll be asked to swear loyalty to the First Order.
Light the fire
If you are on the side of the Resistance and you are greeted with the phrase “Ignite the spark!” you can then say “Light the fire!” which is the callback greeting for the Resistance.

´Til the spires
“´Til the spires” is the most common phrase you will hear when the Batuuans bid you a farewell (goodbye).
Good journey
“Good journey” is the informal version of saying “good bye”.
May the spires keep you
Use this phrase when you want to show your politeness when saying “goodbye” to the locals of Batuu.
May the force be with you
Yes! This phrase is a must. If you see your favorite characters of the Resistance, do not hesitate to use this iconic phrase.
Only the ancients know
Keep in mind that all cast members remain in character so you can feel completely immersed in the Star-Wars Universe. Whatever happens beyond the gates of Batuu, it is not known to the locals. If you ask anything about what is going on at Disney, the answer you’re likely to hear is “Only the ancients know”. If you ask any Star Wars Cannon questions, the answer will be “Only the ancients know” meaning “I do not know”.
Off planet / On planet
Anything happening outside Batuu (even if Batuu is on Earth) happens off planet. Anything happening in Batuu, happens “on planet”.

Keep an eye on your younglings at all times when visiting Batuu. You do not want your children to be sent to the First Order Academy if they are found wandering around by the stormtroopers in the area.
If your younglings (children) have a strong bond with the force, you can call them padawans. See if you find any clues that might lead you to Rey Skywalker. She may agree to train your padawans into becoming Jedi.
youngling transport
Some younglings are not old enough to walk just yet, make sure you ask for a youngling transport instead of a stroller. If what you need is a wheelchair or a scooter, transport is the word you are looking for.
If you need to use the restroom/bathroom, but you do not know where it is, ask for directions to find the refresher. Unfortunately, you won’t get any cold drinks or refreshments here. If you are waiting for a ride but your youngling needs to use the refresher, simply ask for a refresher pass.

hydrators/water fountains
It can get really hot at Batuu because of its three suns; find the hydrators or water fountains to refresh yourself with cool water.
Batuuans are not from planet Earth, therefore, they will not know what a smartphone is or whatever electronic device you refer to. Use the word datapad instead. Transform your Play Disney Park App on your smartphone into your Star Wars: Datapad App as soon as you land on Batuu. Take advantage of your Datapad for it will help you translate signs and texts you find in Aurebesh (written form of the Star Wars language), scan objects, tune and decrypt communications, hack and interact with some devices, control panels, and droids, across Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.
rat card
Cast members normally ask if you have an annual pass to get some discounts; when you visit Batuu, it is the rat card that you will have to show if you want to get a better deal. Remember that Disneyland or other Disney characters are unknown to the locals of Batuu.
Money as we know it on planet Earth does not exist in the Star-Wars Universe. You buy food, drinks, and souvenirs with credits.
Batuuan spira credit medallion
A Batuuan spira credit medallion is a Disney Gift Card and you can get it for only 100 credits ($100 USD).
image capture / facial scans
Taking photographs with your cameras or with your datapads is a must when visiting Star Wars: Galagy’s Edge. If you ask a Batuuan to help you get a nice shot, let them know that what you need is a great image capture or facial scan.
travellers / worlders / Earthlings
Outsiders or non-locals are referred to as travelers, wordlers, or Earthlings by the Batuuans. It is known that planet Earth does not exist in the Star-Wars Universe, yet they like to call us vistors Earthlings. Perhaps the locals have been, somehow, persuaded that there is indeed a planet called Earth somewhere in a galaxy far, far away.

You now know what to say next time you take a journey to Batuu either on your own or together with your younglings; save enough credits, take your rat card with you, purchase spira medallions for your friends, and charge your datapads to take tons of image captures. Whether you are new to the Star Wars Universe or a massive Star Wars fan, learning and using these easy words and phrases will make your visit to Batuu at Disney’s Hollywood Studios a memorable experience. May the spires keep you!