Sales for Disneyland’s very popular Magic Key Program, their version of an annual pass have been paused. Sales began on Wednesday January 10, 2024 at 9:00 AM PT and were paused at 10:00 PM PT. By 6:00 PM The three highest keys: Inspire Key, Believe Key, and Enchant Key were all sold out and available for renewal only. Sales resumed yesterday morning at 9:00 AM with only the option to purchase the Imagine Key, which can only be obtained by Southern California residents. By 11:00 AM, it was announced all sales have been stopped and all 4 Magic Keys have been sold out.
What Are Magic Keys?
Magic Keys are Disneyland’s Annual pass. A pass in which you can visit both Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure Park throughout the year! There is no limit to the amount of times you can visit. Blackout days and reservations do play a part in when and how many times you can visit. The Magic Key is a very sought out luxury of many Disney fans across the states. The Last time Magic Keys went on sale was in August of 2023. Many guests have been patiently waiting the opportunity to once again have the option to purchase a Magic Key Pass. There are still many guests who did not get through the online queue and were unable to purchase a Magic Key before sales were halted.

How Do You Purchase A Magic Key?

New sales of Magic Keys are purchased by joining an online queue. The queue opened at 9:00 AM but guests were met with a page that stated it was temporarily unavailable. Shortly after the queue was open! Wait time is updated periodically. Some guests were able to get through in just an hour or two, while others it took 6+ hours before a purchase was able to be made. It was reported some guests were able to upgrade and purchase at ticket kiosks on Disneyland Property.
Will Magic Keys be available to purchase in the future?
With the popularity of this program it is hopeful that Magic Keys will go on sale again in the future, we will be sure to update if that happens! Magic Keys are still available for renewal for current Magic Key holders.
Featured Photo: Disney.