Disney is for everyone, but in particular holds a lot of magic for our children. So who better to get opinions from than your own little ones? Five year old Lincoln is in the Disney parks frequently and has developed many opinions on the happenings in the parks and resorts. One of Lincoln’s favorite things in any Disney park is the treats. So here are the 5 best treats in Magic Kingdom, according to a 5 year old, in his own words!
Mickey Rice Cereal Treat

According to Lincoln, the best Mickey rice cereal treats are the ones with m&m’s on it. The m&m’s make it probably the best treat in Magic Kingdom because the m&m’s make it extra delicious and chocolatey. Plus you get all different colors on it that make the rice cereal treat look even more fun. The other designs are tasty too and good, but the m&m’s make it delicious.
Dole Whip

According to Lincoln, Dole Whip is a good any time treat because the taste is good and mild. It is nice to eat because it is like ice cream but fruity and not creamy. You can eat it whenever you want because it is sweet but not too sweet. So be sure to stop by Aloha Isle in Adventureland and treat your little one next time your in Magic Kingdom!
Giant Lollipop

According to Lincoln, the lollipops are awesome because they are tasty, but also just fun to eat. They can be so big, sometimes bigger than your head, which is silly, and it is so fun to eat them riding around in the stroller or watching parades.
Strawberry Fruit Bar

The Strawberry Fruit Bar is Lincoln’s second favorite treat in Magic Kingdom. According to him, the taste is just plain yummy. It is a fruity treat that is refreshing when it is hot but you can eat it any kind of weather and it will still be good. Plus the color of it is so nice to look at.
Cotton Candy

Lincoln believes that there are a lot of things to like about cotton candy. It is delicious which makes it nice to eat but it is also very fun to eat because it dissolves in your mouth. It can make you sticky, but that part is also fun. We don’t get cotton candy very often, only at Magic Kingdom, so that’s also why it is on the list.
Let’s Eat
As you can see Lincoln has many opinions on the different treats that you can get in Magic Kingdom and why they are the best in the park. It is always so amazing when you take your little ones to Disney and watch them find the magic in the parks for themselves. Even when they become very opinionated on how things should be and what we should eat.
Does your Disney kid have a favorite treat in Magic Kingdom? Is it on Lincoln’s list too? Let us know their favorite treat in the comments below!

I’m glad to hear about Lincoln’s top 5 favorite treats in Magic Kingdom! It sounds like Dole Whip and giant lollipops are at the top of his list. I’m curious, have you tried Mickey Rice Cereal? How does it compare to the other treats?