The new Avengers Campus in Disney’s California Adventure attempts to bring the Marvel universe to life, and boy does it succeed! From the shows, character meet and greets, attractions, and buildings; everything is realistic and remarkable. One attraction is unlike anything else in the world. The Spider-Man meet and greet in Avengers Campus involves real people portraying characters, voice overs, stunts, and even robots! Here is everything you will want to know about meeting Spider-Man at California Adventure.
Where To Be

The character meet and greet for Spider-Man begins as its own show, and you will definitely need to know where to look. The building for the Web-Slingers attraction is where you will want to be to find Spider-Man. Guests will be able to spot this friendly neighborhood spider on the roof top.
Here is where it can be a little tricky, or at least a little fast paced. Spider-Man will begin the show on the rooftop right near the entrance of Web Slingers. However, the show lasts for approximately 6 minutes and includes area changes. While Spider-Man begins the show at the entrance to his attraction, he will move further away from the Web Slingers entrance, along the side of the building toward the entrance to Avengers Campus. If you want to catch the entire show, you will want to move quickly with him along the building.
If you wish to stay in one spot, find the graffitied wall that has some yellow D.O.D.C. boxes. This is where Spider-Man will ultimately end up, and the rooftop above that area is where the biggest stunts take place.
What You Can Expect
As previously stated, Spider-Man begins the show with witty banter and background information for guests. The beginning portion of the show does not have much in terms of action, but it is still amazing to see a top rated hero out and about in the parks.

The real action begins when Spider-Man makes his way to the final roof top. Here he will perform some acrobatic tricks, such as backflips, while “talking” with guests. Eventually Spider-Man will disappear to field test his new suit. Guests will want to keep their eyes glued to the large crane on the roof for this next part. Spider-Man will leap into the sky and flip before landing safely on the other end of the rooftop. This is done with the use of Disney’s state of the art Stuntronic robot, and is absolutely an unbelievable sight to see.
Spider-Man will appear back on the rooftop once again to let guests know that he is A-Okay and that he will be heading down to greet guests for pictures. Of course this is Spider-Man we’re talking about, so he doesn’t just walk down some stairs. Instead guests will see Spider-Man spider crawl down the side of the building before entering the meet and greet area where guests will be able to go up for a meet and greet with the Amazing Spider-Man.
Meet Your Heroes

The Spider-Man character meet and greet in the Avengers Campus is like nothing Disney has created before. It is an incredible experience that brings the character to life in the most magical way. This is one meet and greet you will not want to miss.
Have you been able to see the Amazing Spider-Man at Avengers Campus? Did you get a picture with the friendly neighborhood spiderman? Let us know in the comments below what your thoughts are on this Disney character meet & greet experience.