With the 2022 EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival underway, so is one of our favorite events, Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak! This is a scavenger hunt that takes Remy fans of all ages around the World Showcase. Some of these statues are easy to spot, however, there are a few trickier places that Remy is hiding this year. We went around and found exactly where to find Remy around the World Showcase!
How To Play
In order to enjoy the scavenger hunt guests will first need to purchase a map. The maps can be purchased at various locations and cost $9.99 plus tax.
Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak Map with locations
The objective of Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak is that guests will have to search in 15 different areas in order to find 15 statues of the Little Chef. Each statue is holding a different ingredient, and guests place the ingredient sticker on the corresponding location. The stickers are located on the back of the map. Once you have your map you are ready to search!
Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak Map Stickers
It is worth noting, however, that you do not have to complete your map at all in order to get your prize, but where’s the fun in that? Also, you do not need to complete the map in one day, you can come back another time if you wish to take your search slow. If you don’t wish to leave the park without completing the map though, we can help you find some of the trickier Remy statues.
Remy Locations – SPOILERS!
The following contains spoilers for Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak.
If you do not want help finding them, do not expand the various sections below. However, if you are not participating this year or simply need some help with one or two locations, you can click or tap to expand each section to see exactly where Remy is hiding for each location. Let’s get to it!
Earth Eats
Remy is located on the upper left-hand side of the Earth Eats booth.
Remy is on the side of the left side of the Earth Eats sign
When you take a closer look at the Earth Eat’s Remy statue, you can see he is holding carrots.
Fun Fact – Carrots are made up of 88 percent water!
Although it is harder to see since he is up so high, Remy is preparing some yellow squash.
Fun Fact – Yellow Squash was originally discovered in Mexico
No need to journey through the entire China Pavilion to find Remy, he is hiding out along the walkway on top of the China Global Marketplace.
Remy is on the top left of the China Global Marketplace
Remy is holding onto a pepper grinder that is just as big as he is!
Fun Fact – Black Peppercorns are green when harvested, but change color when they are dried!
Remy is located on top of the India Global Marketplace, to the right of the sign.
Remy’s blue color stands out on the India Marketplace’s white paint
Remy is holding a ton of garlic at this food booth.
Fun Fact – There are over 300 varieties of garlic being grown today!
Unlike many of the other Global Marketplaces, Remy is not actually on the Kenya food booth. Instead Remy is off to the side, taking in all that there is to see on the tall rocks.
Remy at the Kenya Global Marketplace
As for what food item Remy is holding in Kenya, it is a little unclear. The sticker is a light brown color, almost honey looking, but in person it is a dark brown color. So possibly a vinaigrette or oil of some kind?
Fun Fact – Using vinegar and oil as a dressing dates back about 2,000 years!
Germany was probably the hardest of all of the Remy statues to find. Finally we found him above the Kunstarbeit in Kristall shop at the end of the pavilion. You’ll want to be on the left hand side of the fountain and look up.
The Germany Pavilion was definitely the hardest Remy to find during the scavenger hunt!
When you peak through the little terrace on top of Kunstarbeit in Kristall you can see that Remy has a bottle of olive oil.
Fun Fact – Spain is the largest olive oil producer!
You’ll need to look up high to find Remy in the Italy Pavilion this year. You’ll want to go all the way back you’ll find him near the “third floor” of Via Napoli.
Remy is looking to expand to Italian cooking at Via Napoli Ristorante e Pizzaria
It is hard to tell from so far away, but Remy is posing with a platter of fresh tomatoes here.
Fun Fact – EPCOT broke the world record when the tomato tree at in The Land’s Greenhouse had a one-year harvest of 32,000 tomatoes, weighing in at a total of 1,151.84 pounds!
Hops & Barley
Possibly the most adorable and easy to find Remy statue of the Hide & Squeak challenge is on top of the Hops and Barley booth.
Remy nestled in the middle window on Hops and Barley
Remy has three different colored bell peppers at this location, matching the decor of Hops and Barley beautifully.
Fun Fact – Bell Peppers are actually fruits not vegetables, since they grow from flowers!
You’ll want to take a relaxing stroll through the Japan Pavilion to find the Remy statue here. You’ll find him among the rocks near the small waterfall across from Katsura Grill.
Remy found one of the most tranquil places in all of EPCOT to hide
Remy is posing next to a couple of zucchini squash here.
Fun Fact – One zucchini has more potassium than a banana!
Tangierine Café
Remy can be found on top of the Tangierine Cafe, and to the right of the sign.
Remy is hanging out on top of the Tangierine Cafe overhang
Here Remy has a couple of salt shakers with him.
Fun Fact – 17% of the salt used in the United States keeps ice off of roads in the winter (not in Florida though!)
Another easy to find Remy statue is on top of the Brazil Marketplace booth.
Remy is located on the left of the Brazil sign
Remy has some red onions with him here, what do you think he’s cooking up?
Fun Fact – Before being called “The Big Apple”, New York City was known as “The Big Onion”!
No need to go all throughout the France Pavilion to find Remy. You’ll find him in the maze garden to the right of the fountain when you first enter France.
Remy must feel right at home with this view of the France Pavilion
Remy has an eggplant here, perhaps to make his famous Ratatouille?
Fun Fact – The eggplant is actually considered a berry!
Appleseed Orchard
Nestled near the end of the Canada Pavilion is the Appleseed Orchard Global Marketplace. Remy is located right on top of the sign at this location.
Remy welcoming guests inside of Appleseed Orchard
Here Remy is holding a baking dish, which appears to be made of copper.
Fun Fact – Copper cookware is considered to be the best for French cooking due to its ability to hold heat evenly when used and cool quickly when removed from the heat source!
Remy found another decent hiding spot in the Canada Pavilion. He is located next to the Totem Pole to the right of the Northwest Mercantile.
You’ll find Remy up on the roof top
Remy is holding some delicious looking bread, maybe he’ll share!
Fun Fact – Bread became a staple food about 10,000 years ago!
Once again, you’ll want to look high for Remy, he is located on top of the Australia Food Booth.
Remy is to the right of the Australia Global Marketplace sign
Remy has some fresh herbs at this location. He is keeping them fresh in his homemade plant pots that he fashioned out of empty tea containers.
Fun Fact – Parsley was first grown in the Mediterranean!
Collect Your Prize!
Congratulations! You have found all of the Remy statues around the World Showcase! Now all that is left is to collect your grand prize. In order to do that you will want to take your map back to one of the redemption locations. They are:
Disney Traders
World Traveler
Creations Shop
They will have a sign in front of the entrance like the one below.
Redemption Location Sign for Remy’s Hide & Squeak
Go right up to the counter and present your map and ask for your prize. You will be given the choice of one of four absolutely adorable cups. You can choose from:
Four Prize options for Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak
Choose whichever one speaks to you, and be on your way! The cups are such a great functional prize and are even holographic giving the images the illusion of movement.
We chose the Remy cup, because it is his scavenger hunt after all!
Have you completed the Remy’s Ratatouille Hide & Squeak Scavenger Hunt at EPCOT this year? Were there any locations that you got stuck on? Did you find this guide helpful or fun? Let us know in the comments below!
Written by
Rachel Van Norman
Contributing Writer
Rachel fell deeply in love with all things Disney as a little girl. Now as a wife and a mother herself, she shares this Disney obsession with her son and everyone around her. From her love of princesses to eating all the Disney food, Rachel spends her time radiating Disney magic and keeping everyone up to date on Disney news.