Some people go to Disney for the rides and attractions; others go for the tasty treats and salty snacks. But what makes Disney parks the best theme parks in the world is meeting its characters. This can pose a problem, however, for those individuals who are more introverted or shy. In this article, I will be providing tips on how to prepare before a character encounter, simple phrases to say during the interaction as well as some photo ideas/poses to try with your favorite characters. Let’s get started!
How To Prepare
Keep in mind that mostly everyone gets nervous before confronting a character, even the most extraverted individual. It is a natural human emotion to feel anxious but that should not hinder you from having a magical meet and greet. A good way to prepare is to take deep breaths while in line and review in your head what you plan on saying. Always keep in mind that guests in line are focused on what they are going to say and do, so they won’t be fixated on your interaction. This helps calm the nerves knowing you won’t be the center of attention and your character interaction will be personal. Remember: you should only meet a character if you want to.

What To Say
So, you make it to the front of the line. Now what? I suggest always greeting the character with a simple hello as well as using his/her name (“Hello/Hi [character name]!). Some ideas of phrases to lead with are: “It’s nice to finally meet you,” “You are my favorite character/princess!”, “You look nice/lovely today.” The character will probably act coy or “blush”, but to avoid having a long conversation that can make you anxious/nervous, finish the interaction by saying, “Can we take a picture/portrait?” This will motivate the photo pass photographer (if available) to start shooting some pics. Remember to thank the character at the end of the interaction (Thanks [character name]!”). And voilà, you did it!

Photo Ideas and Poses
There are so many ways to take a photograph, especially at Disney! You can pose normally or take a 0.5 selfie (ultra-wide picture) if you want to follow the current picture trends. Nevertheless, if you are feeling brave you can ask the character to pose with you (Say:“Any fun poses we can try?”). This is a cool way to elevate your photographs and to get out of your comfort zone if you are willing to do so.

Meeting the Disney characters is a unique moment that, to most, is a nostalgic experience. It is what makes Disney, simply Disney. If you are a shy individual, or experience social anxiety, this article could be a lifesaver for you on your next Disney trip. Just take things slow, never rush yourself to do something you don’t feel comfortable with. I sincerely hope, dear reader, that this article helps you see character interactions as an entertaining encounter, not a terrifying one.