Update: 7/1/2021
It appears that the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend will be making an in-person comeback in 2022! Although Disney has not made an official announcement as of yet, there are screenshots that are currently circulating that show this information on Twitter.

The information that was previously up on the runDisney website stated that the Marathon Weekend event will be returning to its normal in-person fun on January 6, 2022 and will go through January 12, 2022. Registration for this event is rumored to open on Tuesday, July 20, at 10 AM eastern time.
Although the information on the runDisney website has since been removed, it seems that an official announcement, with the above information, may be coming soon. Be sure to check back on the DVC Shop blog for updates on the official announcement.
This would be a welcome return for runDisney fans. All runDisney events have been virtual throughout the pandemic, but there is nothing like the in-person events.
What do you think about the possibility of the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend returning in 2022? Are you an avid runDisney fan? Have you done the virtual events this year during the in person hiatus? Let us know in the comments below!