Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “The Lion King” celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. To mark this special occasion, Disney’s Animal Kingdom Theme Park is offering a selection of themed treats from June 10 to September 9, 2024. These limited-time culinary creations feature beloved characters from the iconic film and are sure to delight fans of all ages.
Discovery Island Delicacies
Discovery Island is serving up several notable “The Lion King” delights. At Eight Spoon Café, visitors can enjoy The Simba, a refreshing mango-flavored slushy topped with grenadine and gummy candies. Isle of Java offers Timon’s Luau, a layered dessert inspired by Timon’s hula dance, featuring vanilla chiffon, passion fruit curd, guava jam, and more.
Tiffins Restaurant presents Rafiki’s Squash Banana, a shake blended with squash bananas, baobab fruit, vanilla, cinnamon, and cardamom, along with the intricately crafted Remember Who You Are dessert, which combines Kenyan coffee mousse, caramelized bananas, chocolate-coffee crumble, and other flavors.
Tasty Offerings in Africa
In the Africa section of the park, Tamu Tamu Refreshments introduces the Zazu Ice Cream Sandwich, featuring vanilla ice cream between blue cake-coated sugar cookies. Harambe Market adds the You Follow Old Rafiki Cheesecake to its menu, a passion fruit-mango cheesecake with a coconut-lime crust and a chocolate medallion.
DinoLand U.S.A. Specials
DinoLand U.S.A. also offers unique treats, including Shenzi Strawberry Lemonade available at Restaurantosaurus and The Rightful Ruler Cupcake inspired by Scar, which features red velvet cake with cookies ‘n cream cheesecake filling and chocolate icing.
Grab-and-Go Goodies
Various outdoor food carts throughout Disney’s Animal Kingdom will have the Simba Paw Cookie, a charming sugar cookie that’s perfect for a quick snack on the go. Trilo-bites is also offering the Zazu DOLE Whip Lime and Coconut Float, combining DOLE Whip Lime, Sprite, coconut, and blue curaçao syrup.
These “The Lion King” themed treats offer a delightful way to celebrate the film’s 30th anniversary while visiting Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Visitors can savor a variety of flavors and creations from different parts of the park, making it a memorable experience for all.