Disney’s Animal Kingdom is set to welcome a brand-new attraction as “It’s Tough to be a Bug” closes to make way for a Zootopia-themed show titled “Zootopia: Better Zoogether.” Scheduled to debut in Winter 2025, this update will bring a refreshed experience to the Tree of Life Theater. Here’s an overview of the changes and what guests can expect as Imagineering begins the transformation.
The End of “It’s Tough to be a Bug”
After years of entertaining guests with its immersive 3D experience, “It’s Tough to be a Bug” will hold its final performance on March 16, 2025, with permanent closure taking place the next day. This show, centered around the lives of insects, was one of Animal Kingdom’s opening-day attractions, so its departure marks a significant shift for the park.
What We Know About “Zootopia: Better Zoogether”
The new show will take inspiration from Disney’s animated film Zootopia, transporting guests into the lively and diverse city inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. While specific plot details for the show are still under wraps, early concept art suggests a focus on some fan-favorite characters, including Clawhauser, the cheerful cheetah from the movie.
The transformation of the Tree of Life Theater will incorporate Zootopia’s upbeat and vibrant aesthetic while retaining much of the natural wood design that complements the park’s overall theme. A Clawhauser Audio-Animatronic has been previewed to replace the Hopper figure currently featured in “It’s Tough to be a Bug.”
Imagineering and Installation Plans
Walt Disney Imagineering, working with Icarus Exhibits, has already filed permits for the installation of set elements, launching the work to bring this attraction to life. Icarus Exhibits is no stranger to Disney projects, having contributed to numerous high-profile attractions such as TRON Lightcycle Run, Toy Story Land, and Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge. Known for their excellence in designing immersive environments, Icarus will play a key role in bringing the Zootopia vision to the Tree of Life Theater.
Anticipating Winter 2025
While an exact opening date has not been announced, Disney has targeted Winter 2025 for the debut of “Zootopia: Better Zoogether.” Guests planning visits to Disney’s Animal Kingdom in late 2025 or beyond should consider including this new show in their itineraries.
Looking Ahead
The addition of “Zootopia: Better Zoogether” marks an exciting update for Disney’s Animal Kingdom, adding a fresh layer of storytelling while introducing popular characters from one of Disney’s most dynamic films. Whether you’re a longtime visitor or planning your first trip, this change offers something new to look forward to as Disney continues to enhance its park experiences.
Stay tuned to the DVC Shop blog for updates as more details are released, and be sure to add this upcoming attraction to your list for your next Disney adventure! Also, subscribe to our newsletter to get our latest articles delivered to your inbox.