If you were trying to snag dining reservations today and were experiencing difficulties, you were definitely not alone. Dining reservations were temporarily unavailable at Walt Disney World due to issues with the reservation system, but we have tested the reservation system and can confirm it has been fixed now!
Booking dining reservations are usually done as far in advance as 60 days before park reservations in order to book more coveted restaurants, but this outage today put that process on hold for countless Disney fans. Reservations online, as well as on the phone, were suspended, and this led to many hungry would-be patrons scratching their heads and wondering what they’re doing wrong.
Disney acted quickly to fix the reservation system issues, and now we are free to book away to our heart’s content. Anyone hungry for some Yak & Yeti? Or, is Le Cellier more your pace?
If you’d like detailed instructions how to make a dining reservation using the My Disney Experience app, we have an in-depth article that covers that topic complete with screenshots and instructions.
Were you greeted by the unfortunate reservation system glitch this morning? What dining reservations were you trying to book? Go ahead, let it out! We’ll gladly listen to your woes about dining reservations being unavailable in Walt Disney World this morning in the comments below.