Disney’s Hollywood Studios is all set to welcome a new show inspired by the classic Walt Disney Animation Studios film, “The Little Mermaid.” Titled “The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure,” the show is slated to debut in the newly renovated Animation Courtyard theater in fall 2024. This announcement brings much delight for fans who have been eagerly waiting for a stage show to return to the Animation Courtyard theater.
A Tale As Old As Time
As part of Disney’s ongoing efforts to enhance the Parks experience, Disney Live Entertainment has been exploring innovative ways to breathe new life into Ariel’s much-loved story. The show will feature dazzling new set pieces, state-of-the-art effects, and a striking new design that encapsulates Ariel’s imagination and feelings through her unique view of the world.
A Musical Feast
“The Little Mermaid – A Musical Adventure” promises to have guests swaying to musical numbers drawn from the film, including popular hits like “Part of Your World,” “Poor Unfortunate Souls,” and more. The concept artwork reveals an enchanting “Kiss the Girl” scene – an addition that could be featured prominently in this new production.
Stay Tuned
With construction inside the theater in full swing, there will be many more updates in the coming months as the show comes together. Fans should stay tuned to the DVC Shop Blog for more exciting news about this highly anticipated show.